Speciality: Electronic and Computer Engineer
Short CV: Polyxeni Arapi graduated from the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department of the Technical University of Crete in 2003 (5-years Engineering Diploma). Her Diploma Thesis has been awarded by the Technical Chamber of Greece as the best Diploma Thesis in the profession of Electronic Engineers in 2003. She also holds a M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the Electronic and Computer Engineering Department of the Technical University of Crete. She has been working as a research collaborator at the Laboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications (TUC/MUSIC) of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of the Technical University of Crete since 2002 involved in many European Research and Development projects. Several of these projects were common with the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, from where she received her Ph.D. in Informatics in 2017. She also belongs to the permanent laboratory teaching staff of the Electrical and Computer Engineering School of the Technical University of Crete and is the technical coordinator of the Laboratory of Software Technology and Network Applications (SoftNet) since 2006.
She has participated in the following European Research and Development projects: FP5-IST/UP-TV “Ubiquitous Personalised Interactive Multimedia TV Systems and Services” (IST-1999-20751), LdV/ADONIS “Advanced On-The-Job E-Training Solutions in E-Business for SMEs” (HU/01/B/F/PP-136029), LdV/KNOSOS “New media knowledge village for innovative e-learning solutions” (EL/2002/B/F/114025), LdV/CHIRON “Referring Innovative Technologies and Solutions for Ubiquitous Learning” (FR/04/C/F/RF-81103), FP6-IST/DELOS II “DELOS Network of Excellence in Digital Libraries” JPA2 subproject “Interoperability of eLearning applications with digital libraries” (507618), FP6-IST/LOGOS “Knowledge-on-Demand for Ubiquitous Learning” (FP6/IST/P-027451), LLL/iQTool “Innovative eLearning Tool for Quality Training Material in VET” (134712-LLP-2007), LdV TOI/Organic.Mednet “Developing the Skills of Organic Agriculture Trainers for the Mediterranean” (2009-1-ES1-LEO05-10399), FP7-ICT-PSP/Natural Europe “Natural History & Environmental Cultural Heritage in European Digital Libraries for Education” (FP7-ICT-PSP: 250579), FP7-ICT-PSP/Open Discovery Space “A socially-powered and multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning resources” (FP7-ICT-PSP: 297229), LdV/QONIAon “VET Qualification Practice for eInclusion” (2013-1-TRI-LEO05-47585), ECHO/EVANDE “Enhancing Volunteer Awareness and education against Natural Disasters through E-learning”, Project co-funded under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (ECHO/SUB/2014/693261), “Concepts and Models for Innovation Ecosystems of Digital Cultural Assets” (DN02/06/15.12.2016), Erasmus+/MILAN “Multifunctional Innovative Learning Assisting Network for VET in Advanced Manufacturing Programme” (2018-1-PL01-KA202-050812), Erasmus+/TI4 "Technology for Industry 4 for Teachers and Trainers of Vocational Education" (2019-1-SK1-KA202-060772), Erasmus+/E-Coach "Towards e-coaching, the first step to build trust with a digital coach" (2020-1-PL01-KA226-HE-095455)
Research Areas: Technology Enhanced Learning, eLearning Systems and Applications, Digital Libraries, Information Systems, (Multimedia) Content Management Systems, WWW Technologies, Databases, Systems Semantic Interoperability and Integration, Service-Oriented Web System Architectures
Sector: Computer Science Division
Laboratory: Software Technology and Network Applications Laboratory (SoftNet)
Courses (lab exercises): Operating Systems, Structured Programming