The objectives of the project are to develop methods, tools, and skills for creating digital stories inspired by diverse cultural backgrounds to promote cultural and language awareness to address the need for inclusive educational interventions that promote empathy and creativity by adopting a community building approach in the developing the appropriate skills of its target group and facilitating them to design and implement engaging learning activities exploiting the cultural capital of EU countries.
TIM^2 - Theatre in Mathematics explores the use of drama and Social and Community Theatre in mathematics teaching and learning. Building on the previous project “TIM - Theatre in Mathematics”, TIM^2 refines and spreads the TIM Methodology to empower teachers in enhancing students' mathematical skills.
GREEN E.Th.I.Cs – Green Experience through Theatre Inspiring Communities is a European social and community theatre project developed by 18 partners in 12 countries. It implements cultural initiatives of civic engagement to create climate change awareness and foster citizens’ critical thinking and proactivity with respect to the European Green Deal, through performing arts. It adopts playfulness to make climate activism more engaging, via board games, online games and theatre.
Based on the partners’ extensive experience in effectively building trust through the use of coaching in the educational process, the project created a method of distance coaching (e-coaching) that allowed students to “activate” (inclusive education) and personalize the learning process.
The aim of the project was to promote the products and services of small and medium-sized businesses in Crete to its visitors by highlighting the island's rich historical and cultural heritage at a very low cost in order to attract a large number of businesses. More specifically, within the framework of the action, an open, integrated Digital Platform (DP) has been developed for the visual depiction of complex historical events and processes or myths that took place in Crete, presented via the internet and/or via mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) for the purpose of digital marketing and the promotion of products and services of small and medium-sized enterprises in Crete operating in the tourism sector (accommodation, catering, transport, travel agencies, etc.) using basic principles and mechanisms of transmedia storytelling and active reader engagement, allowing their participation in the storytelling experience.
The main goal of the project is to provide mainly small and medium enterprises but also cultural and educational institutions with the possibility to create pervasive digital games for mobile devices (Android and iOS) without specialized know-how and without software development costs. This way they can focus on coming up with creative gamification ideas to advertise themselves, promote their products and services and improve the experience of their customers and visitors.
GAME IT is a progressive initiative in support of VET learners in the tourism and hospitality sector. It is co-financed by ERASMUS+ program and proposes to introduce gamified elements into the mobility preparation training experience by developing innovative e-learning modules for VET trainees.
Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning commenced on 1 December 2020. It is one of numerous recent initiatives to make students more interested in and better prepared for STEM studies and career. It is built on the rationale that STEM education needs to respond to the latest changes in technology and industry demands but, at same time, it also needs to become more inclusive, engaging and attractive to students.