TIM^2: Teaching mathematics using drama

Project Description

Official Website

TIM^2 - Theatre in Mathematics explores the use of drama and Social and Community Theatre in mathematics teaching and learning. Building on the previous project “TIM - Theatre in Mathematics”, TIM^2 refines and spreads the TIM Methodology to empower teachers in enhancing students' mathematical skills.

The methodology will be disseminated through extensive teacher training across four countries (Italy, Norway, Greece, Portugal). Over 600 teachers and student teachers will be trained, with nearly 30 trainers prepared to continue this work after the end of the project. All materials will be accessible via a digital platform for teachers to share lessons and innovative teaching methods.

Why TIM^2?

Mathematics competence is crucial for personal and social fulfillment. Recognizing this, the EU prioritizes numeracy skills in educational cooperation. Traditional maths teaching often relies heavily on textbooks and teacher-led instruction, leading to passive and disengaged students. However, there is a growing consensus that active cooperation in classrooms enhances learning, fostering student participation and critical thinking.

TIM^2 will innovate maths teaching methods and foster a supportive learning environment to overcome fears and prejudices that gravitate around mathematics. The methodology is rooted in Embodied Cognitive Science, emphasizing that the mind is integrally connected to the body. This approach has proven effective in promoting student well-being while learning mathematics and enhancing understanding of basic maths concepts.

Key Outputs

  • 28 TIM^2 trainers across four countries spreading the methodology among primary and lower secondary school teachers and student teachers 
  • TIM^2 manual and educational tools freely available online
  • Theatrical Conference “Count on it!” for students aged 11-14 aimed at stimulating girls' interest in STEM and challenging gender stereotypes in learning mathematics

Who is TIM^2 for?

  • Primary and lower secondary school teachers, with training expected to reach over 600 individuals, ultimately benefiting thousands of students;
  • Trainers prepared to teach the TIM methodology, ensuring long-term dissemination and impact;
  • Over 9.000 students who will experience TIM^2 methodology through the workshops led by trained teachers;
  • Families and professionals in the field of education engaged in the theatrical conference, fostering a broader dialogue on math education and gender gap

The project is carried out by COREP - Social and Community Theatre Centre of the University of Turin (IT), CNR-ITD (IT), Western Norway University of applied Science - HVL (NO), Technical University of Crete (GR), TeNET-GR (GR), and ASTA theatre company (PT). 

Contract Info

Funding Programme:
Period: 2024 - 2026
Lab Funding: €38K

Contract No:

Involved Persons