he Project MAKER SCHOOLS: Enhancing Student Creativity and STEM Engagement by Integrating 3D Design and Programming into Secondary School Learning commenced on 1 December 2020. It is one of numerous recent initiatives to make students more interested in and better prepared for STEM studies and career. It is built on the rationale that STEM education needs to respond to the latest changes in technology and industry demands but, at same time, it also needs to become more inclusive, engaging and attractive to students.
MAKER SCHOOLS contributes to this overarching goal by focusing on 3D technology and exploring its link with Programming. These two areas are chosen as they can develop students’ creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills, demonstrate the connection between STEM and the production process, allow for the seamless integration of STEM into Arts & Design, and promote student engagement. 3D technology produces results that students can see and touch, which can make STEM activities more agreeable to otherwise reluctant learners.
The project’s overall objective is to enable the application of 3D design and printing in STEM education in secondary schools.
The specific objectives are to:
3D technology is becoming cheaper and increasingly affordable, as well as easily adapted to a greater variety of uses. The MAKER SCHOOLS project will provide schools and their teachers with the tools, confidence and support to do the best with this technology in both curricular and extracurricular activities once it arrives in their school.
The main activities of the project are:
The project plans to achieve the following impact:
MAKER SCHOOLS is a transnational Bulgaria-Greece-Turkey initiative undertaken by two Technical Universities, 4 Directorates of Education and a company devoted to the promotion of innovation in education. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme under the action Cooperation for the Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices in the field of School Education.
Funding Programme:
Start Date: 2020 -2022
Lab Funding: €57K
Contract No: